Library and Information Science (Grade XI)
Topic outline
Library, Information and Society
1.1 Concept of Library and Information Science
1.2 Library: Definition, importance, objectives and functions of a library
1.3 Relation between Information and library
1.4 Role of Library in Modern society
1.5 History and development of libraries (From clay tablets to e-tablets or digital library and virtual library)
1.6 History and development of libraries in Nepal
1.7 Five Laws of Library Science
Types of Libraries
2.1 National library
2.2 Public and Community library
2.3 Academic library
2.4 Special library
Library Management
3.1 Library administration and principles of POSDCoRB
3.2 Human Resource Management (HRM)
3.3 Library building, furniture, equipment and stationaries
3.4 Library budget
3.5 Library committee
3.6 Library rules
Collection Development
4.1 Types of documents
4.2 Book selection tools
4.3 Selection and acquisition of various types of documents from various sources by different methods
4.4 Accessioning of collected documents
Library Classification
5.1 Concept, importance, objectives and purpose of library classification
5.2 Types and kinds of library classification schemes
5.3 Steps in determining thought contents or major subject(s) of a given book
5.4 Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
5.5.1 Introduction and salient features of DDC latest edition
5.3.2 Introduction to the ten main classes, hundred divisions and thousand sections of DDC.
5.3.3. Method of classification of books by using class numbers of DDC up to 1000 Sections
5.4 Call number building
Library Cataloguing and Subject Heading Assignment
6.1 Library cataloguing: Introduction, need, objectives and functions
6.2 Difference between a library catalogue and a bibliography
6.3 Types and forms of library catalogue
6.4 Parts of a book
6.5 Cataloguing rules: Anglo- American Cataloguing Rules 2nd Edition (AACR2)
6.5.1 Introduction and salient features of AACR2
6.5.2 Procedure of making different catalogue cards: Main card, Shelf list card, and added cards (Subject card, Title card, Joint author card, etc.) by following AACR2
6.6 Subject heading assignment: Introduction, need and objectives
6.7 Steps in determining major subject(s) of a book
6.8 Subject heading lists: Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH)
6.8.1 Introduction and principles of SLSH and its use
6.8.2 Assignment of appropriate subject heading(s) for a book by selecting from SLSH
End Processing and Book Shelving
7.1 Introduction to end processing
7.2 Call number writing on the back of the last page of the book
7.3 Preparation or typing and pasting of book pocket, book card , due date slip, and spine label in proper place of the book
7.4 Card typing and filing
7.5 Book shelving in proper sequence and its maintenance
Circulation System
8.1 Concept, importance and functions of circulation system
8.2 Membership issue
8.3 Property counter and user attendance register
8.4 Charging and discharging systems
8.4.1 Browne System
8.4.2 Newark System
8.5 Renew, reserve, overdue, fine and reminder
8.6 Stack reading and used and returned book shelving
Preservation and Conservation
9.1. Introduction and need of preservation and conservation of various types of library resources
9.2 Enemies of and harmful factors for library materials and protection
9.3 Causes of book theft and their control
9.4 Different types of preservation methods (Binding, lamination, fumigation, digitization, etc.)
9.5 Stock verification and weeding