Topic outline

  • Unit 1 | Information: Concept, types and sources

    Information: Concept, types and sources

    1.1 General concept of Data, Information, Knowledge

    1.2 Sources of information (Book, non-book materials, human, and internet)

    1.3 Types of information (Primary, secondary, and tertiary)

    1.4 Use of information

  • Unit 2 | ICT in Libraries

    Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Libraries

    2.1 Concept of information and communication technology (ICT)

    2.2 Fundamentals of ICT: Hardware and software

    2.2.1 Hardware: Input, Process, Storage and Output and basic networking devices etc.

    2.2.2 System software: Windows, Linux etc.

    2.2.3 Application Software: Office Automation System.

    2.3 Internet searching and application

    2.4 Information literacy

  • Unit 3 | Library Automation

    Library Automation

    3.1 Library automation: Concept, and importance

    3.2 Library automation software: Proprietary and free open source

    3.3 Modules of library automation software: Cataloguing, Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Circulation, etc.

    3.4 RDA and MARC21

    3.5 Practical on automation specially focusing on data entry, editing and updating, information search and retrieval, barcode charging and discharging, etc.

  • Unit 4 | Library and Information Services

    Library and Information Services

    4.1 Concept purpose of library and information services

    4.2 Users education

    4.3 Library and information services: Current awareness services (CAS): Selective dissemination of information (SDI) Inter-library loan, Web based services, Referral service etc.

    4.4 Printing and Photocopy service,

  • Unit 5 | Reference Services and Tools

    Reference Services and Tools

    5.1 Concept, importance of reference services

    5.2 Types of reference services

    5.3 Concept and needs of reference tools

    5.4 Reference tools (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Directories, Atlases, Maps, Globes, Biographies, Yearbooks, Statistical books, Catalogues, Bibliographies, General knowledge books, resources Online and offline digital resources, etc.) and their use

  • Unit 6 | I Library Legislation and Policies

    Library Legislation and Policies

    6.1 Ethics of Librarianship

    6.2 Provision and importance of library legislation and policies

    6.3 Copyright law

    6.4 Library and information related laws and policies in Nepal

  • Unit 7 | Library Associations

    Library Associations

    7.1 National: Nepal Library Association (NLA)

    7.2 International: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

  • Unit 8 | Periodical and Non-book Material Management

    Periodical and Non-book Material Management

    8.1 Introduction and types of periodicals

    8.2 Need and objectives of periodical management

    8.3 Periodical selection and acquisition tools

    8.4 Periodical recording, display and filing system

    8.5 Introduction, importance and role of various types of non-book materials (Brochures, Pamphlets, Leaflets, Audio-visual materials, Maps, Atlases, CDs, DVDs Microfilms, Slides)

    8.6 Importance and objectives of non-book material management

    8.7 Selection and acquisition of different types of nonbook materials from different sources

    8.8 Recording, displaying and managing different types

    of non-book materials systematically in proper place

  • Unit 9 | ILibrary Statistics, Publications and Annual Reports

    Library Statistics, Publications and Annual Reports

    9.1 Introduction, importance and objectives of library statistics, publications and annual reports

    9.2 Compilation of library statistics by recording various activities of the library

    9.3 Publication of library brochure, newsletter

    9.4 Annual report generation